
our engagement

We are committed to preserve our planet, thanks to you!

Because trees are a the crucial link in the chain of life on EarthWe are committed to My Tree, an association which works for the restoration of natural environments degraded in France.

Sponsoring a project at My Tree means contributing to the return of biodiversity and climate balance. In 2022, we are sponsoring a cattle farmer located on the borders of the departments of Vendée and Loire Atlantique. His farm is one of the last remaining islands of bocage, in the middle of land that has been stripped of hedges for years.

The owner wishes to consolidate the bocage He wants to build up his plot of land by planting new hedges to fence off their larger unplanted plots. In this way he wants to strengthen its land networkThis allows his cattle to have green pastures and to mark the limits of the property.

The project contributes to 3 of 17 UN Development Goals

projet my tree
Quelques chiffres

Our goal for 2022:
400 Trees the 1era year!

To be planted between November 2022 and March 2023


Improving the Animal Comfort By providing areas of protection areas


Reintroduction Areas of biodiversity


From the global


Mitigation of extreme temperature Temperature


Carbon uptake and storage of carbon


try to refill your cartridges ?

To find out if my cartridge is compatible, I enter the reference number. If I read "compatible" it's all good!

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

You will 48% economy

This cartridge

new, in shop, costs

Recharge it at the

le bar à encres

costs you only

* average price generally observed in our partner stores

Oups !


We fill in 90% of cartridges on the market
but unfortunately not this one ...

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

Recharge it at the

le bar à encres

costs you only

* average price generally observed in our partner stores

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to estimate the cost of recharging, as we do not have enough data on the prices charged by retailers.